Thursday, 31 May 2007

white coat idolisation...

What is it that leads otherwise educated and sensible people to believe everything that someone says simply because they're wearing a white coat or a nametag that says 'qualified medical professional' on it? I can't wrap my head round it. I've been told in the past couple of days that reminding a pregnant person that she does not have to go to hospital appointments is irresponsible. Really? It's a simple statement of fact. And is it any more irresponsible than telling someone to go when you don't know whether the person they'll see will know their arse from their elbow?

Gosh, couldn't possibly suggest that a mother relies on her instincts over what some white-coated protocol peddler...


Gill said...

*Does impression of The Scream painting..*

Yeah. It's mad. Sooooo who have you been inciting to think for themselves now then, you naughty irresponsible thing you?

Tracy Oldfield said...

grr blogger appears to not be sending me comment notification emails. Or maybe it's the new spam trap on the server. anyroad...

good ol' hunnybeez, innit. There's a higher proportion of people on there with more than a braincell to rub between them but some just take the biscuit.